You don’t need a degree or Higher National Degree (HND) to become a cabin crew. Airlines would expect you to have a strong secondary education with Maths and English. Again, some airlines may ask for a minimum of grade C in those subjects.
Nonetheless, a foundation degree or HND in hospitality management, languages, travel or tourism management would prove helpful to exhibit your motivation and engagement with the career of a cabin crew.
As I mentioned before, your ability to speak an extra language will give you the opportunity to help people with language barriers. Imagine, you can speak British sign language and help out a person with a communication disability.
Necessary vocational Cabin crew qualifications in the form of NVQs and BTECs) are also available from different awarding bodies at different levels of the job. To name a few awarding bodies, you can try City & Guilds, Pearson, Northern Council for Further Education (NCFE).
Thinking of getting a taste of the job? Fortunately, there are one and two-day courses that allow you to experience what the life of a cabin crew is like. You can try providers such as Cabin Crew Wings for a starter course.
Doing an online course, you can demonstrate your passion for the career. However, the competition for the challenging job is intense. Different airlines have different lists of requirements. Here is a list of some common requirements: