Your personality type in the most basic sense is whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. Either one makes certain skills easy to master and others a fumbling necessity. I hope you can see what this means in terms of selecting a practical skill to develop.
To make it simple, I’ll draw a line; if you are an outgoing person who likes to interact with people and actively use his/her body, you’re a physical extrovert. There are tons of skills that I prefer to call physical or raw skills, which are perfect for this personality type.
On the flip side, if you’re someone who enjoys the indoors and seclusion with your thoughts, you are an introvert. If that is the case, knowing soft or digital skills and skills that develop character and nuance seem more appropriate. There are a ton of those as well.
However, to conclude this section, I think I should add that these generalisations are far from what real people are. Extroverts can benefit from soft skills in certain circumstances, while introverts might find themselves needing some physical exertion to keep everything moving. The possibilities are endless, and so are the skills that can be of practical value to you.