What does the most common image come across your mind when you think of scattering ceremony? It is tossing ashes into the wind or sprinkled on the surface of a lake, river, or sea. In it?
Whether one person is responsible for the casting or it’s a group effort, it’s a challenging job! You have to check the direction of the wind to avoid having the ashes come back and make a mess. You can perform a scattering ceremony in many ways:
A floating ceremony requires the purchase of a water-soluble urn.
A trenching ceremony involves digging a shallow trench into the soil and then raked over after finishing the rituals. You can cut a channel into the soil or sprinkle the ashes directly on the ground around the tree or shrub.
A raking ceremony is pouring the ashes on the ground and then taking them into the soil at the end of the ceremony.
A sky ceremony is the use of a private aeroplane and does not usually involve family members.